Tourism / Travel

Wat Arun – A Serene And Majestic Temple

While researching back at home in India, I was astonished when I saw images of this marvel online. The Wat Arun adopts the name from the Hindu god Aruna depicting the rising sun. The sheer artistry and craftsmanship of the Thai craftsmen of that era is incomparable and unmatched, the Thai temples are an example of this fact and Wat Arun is a great example. As a result this was one of the temples that I was thrilled to visit for a long while.

On a beautiful afternoon after a hearty breakfast I set on my journey to Wat Arun and the generous cab driver gave me a small slice of the temple’s construction and history during the ride there. The temple is located in the Bangkok Yai district of Bangkok and is one of the most revered temples in Thailand. The temple was built over the site of an old Buddhist temple during the times of the Ayutthaya Kingdom.

It even housed the legendary image of the Emerald Buddha before it was taken to it’s present abode Wat Phra Kaew. It was one of the few temporary temples that housed the Emerald Buddha during it’s journey. One of the main attraction of the Wat Arun is the beautiful center prang encrusted with porcelain of various colours. I was in a trance due to the serene aura and calmness this temple complex exudes.

Wat Arun Bangkok

Wat Arun Bangkok | Image Resource :

The temple was abandoned for a period during King Rama I and was restored and modified to its present state during King Rama II’s reign. The picturesque temple, the garden, the statues and other buildings that is within the temple complex are truly a piece of architectural art and radiates an intense spiritual atmosphere. This temple is truly a destination that every tourist visiting Thailand should go to.

The temple depicts the history of that era in its detailed murals and it even depicts stories from the Hindu scriptures. The temple is believed to be constructed in honor of the Hindu god Aruna who is considered to be the light at the dawn of a day. I hope someday I can revisit this beautiful temple at all its glory!

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